Thursday 4 August 2011

New Blog and New News!

Well... as you all will have noticed, i've been absent from this blog for a little while.. and in that time i have found myself a guy :)
He's awesome and i'm so lucky to have found a guy as great as him.. however this means that my blog about being single becomes invalid i guess... hehe.
However i have set up a new beauty and fashion blog.. if your interested in checking that out then heres the link :) 
Thanks and see you guys over there!

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Single bells.

Oh god. Please do not even remind me that soon it will be November and Christmas party mode will be in full swing. I literally cannot stand another Christmas of watching couples curled up next to the Christmas tree, trading thoughtful gifts. I am a deep, heartfelt romantic, but I’ve been single for too many a Christmas now and I’m starting to lose my soppy, sentimental edge.

‘Tis the season to be jolly?' Clearly the person that sang ‘Deck the halls’ met their true love in high school or got absolutely off their face at Christmas time – and by the slurring of the lyrics, I’m going for the latter. You may think I’m taking this to the extreme, but not many people can say that they have never had a boyfriend at Christmas. I’m still deciding whether this is, in actual matter of fact, a curse.

I’ve recently realised I should start buying Christmas presents soon too. Otherwise I’ll be another one of those stereotypical shoppers that leaves everything to last minute, and has to elbow some old lady out of the way, so she doesn’t pick up the last cashmere cardigan that I had been planning to get for mum. Because of course, everyone commits this obscene act.

It’s so hard to think of presents to get everyone! But hey, at least I don’t have to think of one for a boyfriend, since he doesn’t exist – oh lucky me.

Scrooge much? Well actually, no, not really. However if you were I, I’m sure that you’d be fed up of transforming into Bridget Jones, minus those fabulously large pants, around this time of year. I don’t get the hideous woolly jumper either, but I suppose everyone feels sorry enough for me, without inflicting any more misery.

On the other Grinch-like hand, I do truly love Christmas. It’s time off uni for a start! One whole month - can’t grumble at that. But more seriously, it’s a period where I get to spend time with my family, not have to feel guilty about how fat I’m getting, and kick everyone’s bums at a family game of ‘floaters’.  Now you tell me, who wouldn’t want to be part of that?!

Regardless of being single, I will always love the holidays. It’s something in the air that just springs excitement; the crispness of the ice on the floor, and the warmth of a cheeky Baileys by the fire.

Who knows, I might even meet someone at the Christmas turn on of the lights. Just so long as he’s not wearing matching tops with me, I’m alright with it. And if his name is Mr Darcy, well I suppose I can live with that too.

Sunday 17 October 2010

The Chase - Love and Loathing.

When a single girl starts the long and hard search for another potentially decent boyfriend, it is not a quest taken light-heartedly. It seems that plenty of decent people come up to you when you’re taken, but as soon as you stick your single hands up to Beyonce at a club, the idiots run your way. You end up with a sudden need for a loo break, and the next 20 minutes are consumed with asking every girl that enters the rest room if there’s still a short, snively guy waiting outside.

I much prefer the chase.

The chase means that neither of you are looking for a one-night-stand. If you were then you’d just get it over and done with. It means that there’s some wit about the person; a somewhat protective side to not give in to easily to temptation, without making sure the opposition is mentally stable. The chase has certainly got to be one of my new favourites.

On the other hand, some people like to be chased, but when it comes to returning the favour they get bored and opt out. What let down’s these people are! But they’re the ones missing out. Unfortunately for these individuals, they have not obtained the skill to work tactfully, which brings me to my next point – a chase shows a man has brains to think carefully with their head, not just in the nether region.

This wonderful tool eases your way back into the world of dating, because it gives you the rush of having someone, without the commitment for a while. You can test the waters and if you don’t like them then you have no obligation to an oncoming date.

Regrettably though, it doesn’t always work in your favour. Sometimes it goes on for too long, or you can get confused about where the game is going. A Kate Winslet look-alike you become, pacing after Jasper in ‘The Holiday’. Sometimes its just time to realise it’s not working out. But it’s still my favourite thing to do in dating at the moment. So bring on the next contestant.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

My pre-halloween blooper.

Have you ever come to that point in a relationship with a guy, where you don’t know how much sharing is too much?

I got this recently when some things in my life caused me to change from being the happy, chipper person I normally am to a pre-halloween doom-fest – significantly freaking out the guy I like.

It got to that awful part in the conversation when you get gut-wrenching butterflies just waiting for him to respond, so you know how he took your message; feeling like the whole worlds rotating existence depends on his vital reply.

Naturally checking my blackberry every quarter of a second, I cursed myself for maybe being a bit too truthful about the reality of my life at the moment – that I’m carrying more baggage than a 747.

Of course, he would have to be in lesson when I sent this message (or so I would hope due to the shameful time span in which it took for him to reply) and I can’t say a tiny wincing noise didn’t come out when I did end up reading his response to my brutally honest life story.

Yes, letting him no that my life isn’t perfect caused him to slide into ‘brain fart’ mode and more or less say ‘Ok, please stay away from me.’. As you can imagine, I immediately started booking my ticket to Pluto. I’ve heard it’s nice this time of year anyways. Free from anyone who’s going to see the bee-sting red cheeks I had at that moment in time.

I felt like Michelle from ‘How to lose a guy in 10 days’, committing classic pre-dating crimes. I was just thankful that I stopped myself from telling him everything that I had eaten that day. But what harm can it to now… some toast, Doritos… and a foot apparently.

Fear not though, because after some serious relaxation and realisation later that night, a bottle of wine and a Friends episode that I’ve seen 1000 times before later, I had a revelation...

Australia’s much prettier than Pluto any day. What WAS I thinking? 

Monday 11 October 2010

Im so sorry!

I can’t believe that I have been away from blogging for so long. But I suppose when things crop up, you have to deal with them as and when they come along. Unfortunately for you my wonderful readers, not much of what has happened as been boy related. I’m still deciding whether that’s a good or bad thing.

But the main thing is that I’m back – and I have also gone back to uni. So whilst my lecturers pile on the work in class, I’ll be trying to keep up with this as much as possible. Plus, it’s the perfect way to vent at the end of the day. And there’s already so much to talk about. So until then...

Speak soon and take care.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Ex Syndrome.

I am now on a playing field where I feel like it is not worth going out with another guy, if it isn’t Mr. Right (as unrealistic as that sounds) – because ex’s are absolute terrors.

Anyone would think I walk into relationships regularly with my eyes stitched shut. It’s so incredibly unexplainable how I end up with the ex from hell when he seemed so perfect at the beginning. Seriously, it is like breaking up with a guy turns him into this Voldermort creature that just wants to suck everything great out of life – without even the consideration of leaving one of those cool lightening scars!

Granted I am the biggest sucker for smooth talking and promise of an unforgettable romance, but I should have learned over the last 20 years that things are never what they claim on the tin. Especially when they come with ingredients such as testosterone.

When I look at some of my ex’s, I think, ‘I would never go out with someone like that’. Suddenly they say things I trusted them not to say when we were together, and the painful truth is outed that he only ever wanted his ex when he was with me. Fabulous times * insert sarcastic face here *.

The worst part is I’m a person that wants to stay friends with the majority of my ex’s when sometimes that’s just not possible (even though reading this, your probably wondering why).

This leads me to another explanation as to why I’m on the playing field I’m on now; I’m getting to frightened that the relationship won’t work out and I will lose another person from my life. Going out with someone usually means they are one of the closest people to me, so why would I want them going anywhere permanently?

If you thought things couldn’t get any worse, just wait. The ex in question will be living a few doors down from me in about a month, and I wont be able to escape seeing him!! Regrettably, I think somehow he will still recognise me when I try walking along with a Primark paper bag over my head and a sash across me with the words ‘yes, I’m your ex, trying to avoid ever seeing you again’. Another cunning plan from me – destroyed.

So I guess I shall have to be strong; walk with my head held high and my eyelids stitched open. Along with being really careful the next time I walk my local streets. When the next tin of testosterone comes flying towards my head, I’ll be sure to duck.